Why I left the IAAP International Association of accessibility Professionals

I was a member of the IAAP International Association of Accessibility Professionals for a long time. Now I have left the organization. Here I explain why.
The idea is good, the implementation is bad. It makes sense to professionalise the profession. Eider the idea was implemented by the IAAP.
For example, in the WAS certificate exam, the main expectation is that you know things by heart. What has changed in WCAG 2.1? What are relevant color contrasts? What are screen reader shortcuts?
One can argue about whether accessibility experts need to know something like this by heart. I do not believe it. The fact is, however, that the test puts people who are not developers at a disadvantage. And people who are not very good at memorizing. So this is where a selection takes place.
The body of knowledge contains many superfluous elements. When I'm in Northern Europe, I don't care about Canadian accessibility laws. And anyway, why Canada and not India?
But what annoyed me the most is the poor representation of disabled people in the management of the IAAP. There is simply no one with a visible disability to be seen. Unfortunately, many accessibility experts inside and outside the IAAP are not affected either. That's a shame. I do not have the impression that the contents of the WAS and CPACC certificates have been coordinated with those affected. That's why I canceled my membership with immediate effect.


  1. i found the questions about keystrokes in JAWS to be annoying. ive used several screen readers but not jaws so i couldnt answer questions about keystrokes in jaws but i CAN use a screen reader for testing. I found that pretty annoying and is perhaps why i failed the test.


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